Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan volutpat nibh, iaculis aliquet ipsum congue pellentesque. Aenean odio odio, aliquet id orci a, molestie ultricies mi. Praesent ac nisl augue. Aenean a euismod magna, at iaculis tortor. Donec id nisl fermentum, hendrerit ex a, mollis purus. In varius, mauris ut tincidunt sollicitudin, quam risus interdum lacus, in molestie est augue vitae felis. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean molestie elit nec justo aliquet, nec tincidunt eros interdum.
World Family Day 2024 🗓
The theme of World Family Day 2024 is ‘Gratitude To All’
World Family Day – 2018 🗓
The theme of World Family Day 2018 was ‘Incredible Bharata’
World Family Day 2023 🗓
The theme of World Family Day 2023 was ‘Ancient Wisdom Tales’
Acharya Vinay Vinekar’s message on CORONA Virus 🗓
The Master’s message on how to stay healthy when society is dealing with Corona virus
Youth Day Celebration at Home of the Masters 🗓
Youth Day Celebration at Home of the Masters, S.S. Ghati
Children interacting with Acharya on Children’s Day 🗓
On occasion of Children’s Day, the Innovation and Science Promotion Foundation (ISPF) in partnership with the Raman Research Institute (RRI) Trust, on the occasion of Children’s Day had an open day organised on Sunday, 19 November 2017 from 9.30am to 4.30pm at Sir C.V. Raman’s old house, Panchavati, on 15th cross, 8th main, Malleswaram. They had invited us and we were delighted to go alongwith our beloved founder.
A day travelling with Acharya Vinay Vinekar 🗓
Being around Acharya has allowed one to learn to handle many life situations and experiences.
Founder’s Day Celebration – Nov. 1st 2017 🗓
Nov.1 2017 witnessed yet another energetic and enigmatic evening filled with joy and fervour in the loving presence of its beloved founder Acharya Vinay Vinekar.
Bahai – 200th Birth Anniversary Celebration Of Bahaulla 🗓
Bahaulla is a master and founder of Bahai Community. His teachings are the foundation of Bahai faith.
Meditation Session For St Joseph’s College Staff 🗓
Freedom from Stress & Anxiety – Acharya Vinay Vinekar was invited to conduct Meditation at St Joseph’s College, Bangalore on 27th Oct.2017 for the teachers and staff members.