World Family Foundation
a non-profit organization services the society through like minded volunteers, known as SEVAKs.

World Family Foundation is a non-profit organization. It services the society through like minded volunteers, known as SEVAKs. The word SEVAK literally means SERVANT, it stands for the expansion of SOCIETY FOR ESTABLISHING VISHWA AS A KUTUMBHA (establishing world as one family).
World Family Foundation was born from the stem of Institute of Universal Consciousness, which was established by Acharya Vinay Vinekar at Bangalore; in the year 1989 was a noble cause of creating ONE WORLD ONE FAMILY.
World Family Foundation was established in Chennai by Acharya Vinay Vinekar on 15 May 2005, with the below objectives.
- To create understanding between people , communities, castes and various sections of society so as to bring them into common fold of humanity and live like ONE FAMILY WITHOUT THE DISCRIMINATION OF CAST, COLOUR RELIGION, CREED, LANGUAGE, GEOGRAPHICAL BARRIER.
- To create understanding between the members of families in order to create harmony and peace in life.
- To facilitate and to organize meetings, study programmes, seminars conferences, conventions and publications and analyze and promote togetherness and understanding among all sections of the society.
- Educational, community and Health services at large and reach out to those who need.
- Cultural retreat to uplift the future of civilization.
- Recognition of people for their outstanding contribution in promoting “ONE WORLD ONE FAMILY” awareness.
- To conduct YOGA and meditation training programmes under the guidance of our beloved Acharya Vinay Vinekar for enhancing mental, physical, moral and intellectual abilities in individuals.